Question of the week: I was asked which is better - free weights or machines? The advantages to using free weights are initially to build overall strength and sometimes mass. They are ideal for the bodybuilder and fitness pro, amateur, and beginner that has a trusted spotter. They are the core of a “hardcore bodybuilder”, but can be the core for the "hardcore toner" as well. They really work out specific areas of muscles and muscle groups, as well as a combination of muscles and muscle groups. You are able to work on correct form. With just one exercise, a person is able to change their position in order to concentrate on different muscles. But they can also be used in conjunction to machines. People might superset or compliment a free weight exercise with a machine exercise, just to maintain muscle growth. Take squats, for example; a person might offset a set of squats with a leg extension on the machine to stimulate muscle growth. Machines are great for you first timers in the gym. They are good for a light workout for the advanced. Generally, they are great all around; most everyone will use machines sometime. Machines are really good for a few things: if you don’t know what (to use) to start off doing, if you are a little unbalanced for free weights, and if you don’t have a spotter. You can do the same things on machines that you can do on free weights. The only difference, like the elliptical compared to the treadmill, machines are easier on joints, muscles, and your back. They are great for a solo person workout. Pretty much, depending on what your goals are and what you want to focus on, it’s your choice which one you prefer over the other. Try them out. They are both great. My personal weights over machines.
AuthorMeghan Bilyeu, CPT Archives
March 2013